Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Suck on THAT, Magic Number

I lost five pounds my first week on Weight Watchers! Hurray!

I drink about twelve glasses of water a day, watch my portions, count my points. I can't say I love it, but damn it, it works.

So I peed on a stick this morning and once again, not pregnant. Surprisingly, I was not teary about this the way I was last month. It might be the excitement of losing weight, but I don't think so. I'm trying not to rush us about the baby thing, truly. But I'm almost a week late, so I thought I should see.

We sat behind the two most adorable little boys at Mass on Sunday and I got very teary watching them. They were just so sweet and so well-behaved. It was certainly more interesting than Mass, I can tell you.

Anyway, I'm tired of talking about how depressed I get when I get my period. I'm letting myself be excited about the weight loss because it's easier than focusing on what's truly missing.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quit It Already!

Dear American Idol, (especially Amanda Overmyer)

Stop butchering The Beatles. You're making my ears bleed. (Even you, cutie David A. There's only person who should sing The Long and Winding Road and I believe he just rid himself of an insane wife who is clearly the looniest woman alive)


PS - The second Beatles week was extremely ill-advised. They all sucked tonight.

That Horrible, Magic Number

I know I've talked about the number; the number where if you get to it on the scale you decide to become anorexic.

I haven't stood on the scale in three weeks. This morning I did and I'm over that number. So not good. I joined Weight Watchers online this morning and am now contemplating, very seriously, everything I put in my mouth.

Tonight is one of those nights where Omar irritates the hell out of me just by breathing. I made one of those frozen meal in a bag dinners tonight that I'm embarrassed to admit I sometimes resort to. It wasn't a lot of food and I said that. He said, "No, no, I'm good. That's more than enough." Then, after dinner, he proceeded to eat half a bag of pistachios. But he also ate them in the loudest, most annoying way possible. I naturally commented on this and he was all, "Well, I had a small lunch and I didn't know I was hungry."

I wanted to smack him. I still sort of do.

But he is kind of cute.

Have a horrible headache and I feel like a whale. So tired and so sick of work and cold weather and now we're supposed to get more snow tomorrow.

Like that obnoxious fucking girl on American Idol during the audition stage, "whatevs."

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Yet Another Reason Why Renting SUCKS

Last week, we woke up after an evening of torrential downpours, to find a water stain on our ceiling. Which is, of course, indicative of a water leak somewhere. We called the landlord and heard nothing. In the meantime, after another day of horrific pouring rain and melting snow, the stain/leak got bigger and started to grow mold.

We called again and got nothing. So we sent a letter by registered mail.

Now, a full week and a day after the first phone call, we get a call from the landlord. Who is in Florida and just now "got the messages because the cell phone doesn't get reception here."

I call bullshit.

When Omar called last weekend, he left our cell phone numbers. But when they called today, they called his work cell phone, which he did not give, but which we put in the letter we sent.

They ignored our messages and didn't do anything till we put in writing. Well, suck on that landlord, I AM ON TO YOU.

Now, fix my goddamn ceiling.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Good-bye, David H.

Oh, well.

I knew that the people I liked would probably have to go eventually. David Hernandez probably lost because of the whole squick factor, but I'm sure we'll hear from him again on some horrible VH1 reality show or something like that.

I like Michael Johns and Carly Smithson and Brooke White, but that's kind of it. David Archuleta is adorable, but he's a little annoying with that whole Melinda Doolittle humility vibe he's got going for him. I loathe Amanda Overmyer. I have no idea what people see in her.

Clinton and Obama are tearing each other apart and the only thing that's going to accomplish is getting McCain to look good. They need to stop the negative attacks and just campaign.

We're going to look at a house next Friday that's owned by friends of my parents. It's a fixer upper so that'll be interesting to see.

Went to dinner last night at Omar's favorite restaurant, John Harvard's. Since it was Friday during Lent we had to have meatless. I got a roasted cod and pasta dish and it's the first bad meal I ever had there. I should have gone with the fish and chips. The cod was bland and tasteless and the pasta was spicy. It was a very bad taste combination. Omar had the tuna steak and he said it was good.

I can't wait till Lent is over. I only really do the whole no meat thing on Fridays because Omar does it. And I haven't slipped once. Plus I haven't had a diet Coke (which is what I gave up for Lent) or any other kind of soda (except for the ginger ale I had while I was sick) since Lent started. That has actually been easier than I thought and I may just give up soda all together and keep drinking water and juice.

Watching Flip This House on A&E and it's the Richard Davis one. This episode has been pretty funny because the house itself didn't really need a lot of work; it was all cosmetic. So they did this whole thing where they thought it was haunted and brought in a psychic. It was kind of funny. I like the home improvement stuff better.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Woo Hoo

Booked my vacay!!

Going to disney with the hubs and the rents, so we'll see how that goes. I can't remember the last time I went on vacation with my parents. Hmm. I do feel bad Baby Sis is not accompanying us, but the crowds alone at Disney World would put her in the hospital, never mind the rides. The rides might kill her.

We're leaving for FL on April 25 and coming back on May 1, so that we can go to Omar's friend's stupid wedding. Omar is also going to Vegas the first week in April, so that'll be fun for him and lonely for me.

But, psyched about my vacation!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Squicked Out or Not Squicked Out?

It's well documented in an entry below that I love David Hernandez.

And now it comes out that he was a stripper.

It does not make me love him one iota less. But it does slightly squick me out, kind of. Clearly, the guy is a talented singer. And I don't think we should throw stones. We've all done stupid things that I don't think anyone needs to know about. It's unfortunate that something he did came back to bite him, but I also think he's talented enough for people not to remember. There does not appear to be pictures or anything like that, so it's just the embarrassment for him of knowing that everyone now knows he took his clothes off and gave men lap dances at a gay bar.

Okay, nope, squicked out, still, kind of.

There's things I wouldn't want people to know (and here's the part where most people would list the things they don't want people to know but since I have a husband who someday wants to run for office I'm not going to list all the inappropriate places I've gotten drunk, had sex, or behaved in a less than ladylike manner) and that's okay. If David Hernandez was naive/foolish enough to believe that wasn't going to come out and bite him in the ass, well then, honey, I love you even more.

Still, Celine Dion?

There are some really great songs from the 80's. David Archeluta chose Phil Collins and David Hernandez chose Celine? At least it wasn't WHAM! Luke, what in the hell were you thinking?

Monday, March 03, 2008


So I admit. I watched 90210. I also watched the first few seasons of Melrose Place. But I was a big 90210 fan for a long time. And I never particularly found Brian Austin Green aka David Silver to be very good looking.

And yet, watching Terminator: The Sarah Chronicle Chronicles has completely revised my opinion. Maybe he's just hot scruffy and slightly homicidal. Or he's one of those people who gets better looking as he ages. Either way, whoo hoo. David Silver, you've grown up good.

I'm sorry, this stupid lie detector game show needs to go. It's not good and it makes people look insane.

And oh, David Silver, how delicious you look when you're scruffy and murderous.