Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Here Comes the Bride

So I got married three weeks ago.

I'm not really sure how to describe that day. I keep thinking there has to be words somewhere in the English language to express the joy, bliss, terror, nerves, relief, happiness, and overwhelming surrealness of that day. But I'm not sure there are.

I felt sort of outside myself for most of it. I remember whispering to Omar at some point, may have even been during our first dance, that this was weird. I've been to weddings, I've danced and drunk at them, but it felt so odd to be at my own.

Yet it was also the most perfectly normal thing in the world to do. I married Omar. I am officially Mrs. Object of My Affection Rock Starr. I am Mrs. Lucy Starr. I am a fucking wife!


It is very late and my husband is waiting for me, although he's snoring and doesn't realize I'm still not in bed. I have to close at the store tomorrow night, so an update will follow, hopefully with some pics. My friend who hates people as much as I do took a ton of pics, so I'll see if I can get some.