Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was lovely this year and my parents, as always, were incredibly generous, as were Omar's. Omar himself gave me a very nice, very large jewelry box that needs its own table to sit on because it will not fit on my dresser. And since I own more jewelry than some countries' royal families, this was needed.

I had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my parents, an enjoyable day with my inlaws, and a great time with my husband. I hope everyone else did as well and that the new year is just as peaceful and joyful.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sad News

My mom called me to make sure I made it home today in the snow storm. Normally, I would detail how shitty the weather is and how much I hate the MBTA, plus go into detail about my horrible hangover. But what my mother told me has put my day into perspective.

One my friends from high school passed away on Sunday. She was 29 years old and she died from an aggressive form of breast cancer. As I sit here on my couch, I can remember exactly what she looked like, even the sound of her voice. It makes me so sad to know that someone as kind as she was is no longer in this world. I haven't seen her in over 10 years, but she was one of the few people from high school I wouldn't have spit on if I saw her in the street. She always made me laugh and the two of us were just so hopeless at physics. We were lab partners senior year in high school and we used to have fun.

God bless you, Shannon, and I'm glad that wherever you are now, you are at peace.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Okay, Now My Body Is Just Mocking Me

Yet another update on the neverending drama that is my menstrual cycle:

60 days between periods (again)
This time it was a little worse than last time (but mild in comparison to everything before)
Once again, little to no pain

So, let me get this straight. After being told for all these years that the pill would make me feel better, it actually might have made me feel worse? I half want to go to my gyno and strangle him.

Whatever, the most important thing is no pain. And the most depressing thing is no baby. Upside? I can have myself a big ol' glass of wine tonight since this was the week from hell at work. Why oh why are stupid people so damn dumb? And why are they allowed to use telephones?

Example, a financial advisor asked me today if the market was going to go up or down next week. And he wasn't asking my opinion. He was asking me to tell him how to invest his client's money so the client wouldn't lose anything out of his investments. My answer? "Sir, if I knew how the market was going to perform next week, I wouldn't need to work here. Or anywhere. Ever again. Also, I'm not licensed to give you financial advice." Left unsaid there was the point that HE was licensed for financial advice.

I swear to God, you can't make this stuff up. Nor can I make up the fact that there are people out there like that who hold their clients' financial futures in their hands. Please, please, people, if you do nothing else, hire an advisor who is not a complete tool and knows the difference between the type of investments you have. To me there's nothing scarier than taking that phone call from the financial advisor who says, "I don't know what I sold this guy. Can you explain it to me? He's coming into the office in five minutes, so you need to be fast." I am not kidding you.

Getting a Christmas tree and baking Christmas cookies this weekend. Also going to buy some real boots for the winter. I would like Uggs because I know they're super warm, but I need something practical too. To LL Bean Omar and I go! Hurray!