Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dear People Magazine, US, InTouch, OK!, ETC.


We get it, she's crazy. You're probably making her crazier.


Move it along.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

... It Goes On

I spent the whole day today thinking about Heath Ledger. Not in a morbid, TMZ, stalker kind of way. But thinking about the people who are affected by his loss and how those people are now having to share their grief with millions of people who never met him.

It must be horrible to be a celebrity. Think about it. Acting, singing, entertaining, athletics - those are jobs, just like mine. Granted, mine is less well-paid and doesn't seem like as much as fun as those, but they're jobs. And I think, from reading articles today about Heath Ledger, that even acting and singing and entertaining must suck from time to time. To be really good, like HL or Daniel Day Lewis or Charlize Theron, you have to immerse yourself completely into the role and live it. And clearly some of those people struggle with that and with coming out of it. Clearly, HL struggled if there were anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills and sleeping medication in his home.

But the horrible things about celebrity - being followed by the paparazzi, losing all your privacy, etc. - must make your job worse. I don't feel sorry for people like Britney Spears. She courts it. She thrives on it. People liked HL and his ex moved to Brooklyn to get away from that and to raise their daughter in a normal place.

Now, even though this is a private moment and a private tragedy for his family and friends, they will share his death and their sadness with millions of people. The only good part of that is that the people they are sharing it with, for the most, truly mourn his passing. I know I do. I already had 10 Things I Hate About You on my list of DVDs to buy this year and was planning on replacing my VHS copy of The Patriot with a DVD this year if I could get it for cheap, but now I definitely will, maybe even this weekend. I want to pay my own tribute to him, even if it's something as stupid as watching a movie of his I liked. And I don't want to intrude on his family's grief. But I hope that they take comfort from the fact that so many people liked and enjoyed his talent and that we all feel a little bereft now that he's gone.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


When I logged on to MSNBC today to check and see what the market had finally closed at, I did not expect its red banner to read: Breaking News: Actor Heath Ledge Dead at 28. I thought it was a joke at first.

I've been stunned all afternoon since reading this. I just watched 10 Things I Hate About You last week on tv. I couldn't even believe it. I still can't believe it.

I loved him. Had such a crush on him after The Patriot. And now to know that his daughter will grow up without him and that the world lost someone so talented. That's just so, so sad.

I think when older celebrities die, you have a moment of nostalgia for them and what they stood for. When young ones, like Heath Ledger, pass, you just sit there unable to believe it. He was younger than I was. He had so much more ahead of him and now it's gone and whether that was an accident due to an overdose or suicide, it's just such a waste and a loss.

I just can't stop thinking about his poor daughter who will never know her father now. Hopefully, she will know how much her father loved her and be able to take comfort in that.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What. Ever.

I want whatever Paula Abdul's on.

If it's prescription medication, I need to talk to my doctor. Because that stuff's gotta be awesome.

A Vague Disclaimers Is Nobody's Friend

So Guy Smiley snuck in and won the MI primary. Hmmm. Perhaps the Apocalypse really is upon us. Where's Buffy andd Angel when you need them?

Also, someone needs to explain to me why there are apparently no democrats in South Carolina
since only Republicans are having a primary there this weekend.

My boss told me today that the ops manager on my floor doesn't want to promote me not because he doesn't like me, but because I'm needed in my chair until the end of tax season. It's about what he needs, according to my boss. My response? Well, that's not what I need. I did my year. I'm allowed, after my year, to start applying for other jobs in the company. So I will.

There's a position that may be opening up in our Portsmouth office and I will apply for it. Omar just got a new job with a significant raise so we're going to be looking for a house. We'll probably still stay in Massachusetts (holy crap does Michael Douglas suck at announcing Brian Williams), but just move closer to the NH border. Omar will still be working in MA, so it doesn't make sense to leave completely.

Erin Burnett from CNBC just said "Asians and Arabs" like they were swear words. Look, foreign governments are buying into the American economy like whoa. They saw an opportunity and they came in from the kill. How is that not like Americans? Now the debate is whether or not this is a bad thing or a good thing is about to take over business news.

For the love of God, can we please stop talking about Guy Smiley's win?? The man makes me nauseous. I can't even talk about it anymore.

Omar told me the other day he thinks he might want to run for political office in a few years. God help me if anyone ever writes anything about him the way I write about Guy Smiley.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Suck It, Guy Smiley

Not that I'm a huge McCain fan, but it's very nice to see Mitt Romney lose. Or, rather, projected to lose. I would love it if Romney got his ass kicked all the way back to wherever the hell he came from before he came to Massachusetts and fucked this place up.

Thanks, Guy Smiley, and I hope you continue to get your ass kicked throughout primary season, you douchebag.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008



1) Lose 20 lbs

2) Get pregnant (which, possibly, could negate the above)

3) Switch everything that's still in my maiden name over to my married name

4) Open a ROTH IRA

5) Remember to get the oil changes on the CRV in a more timely fashion

6) Have more patience with my parents and sister

7) Curb the cursing

8) Get promoted

9) Get a physical

10) Get my eyebrows waxed every five weeks and pluck in between

11) Exercise more