Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I managed to watch most of the inauguration speech at work while watching streaming video. I listened to it mostly while I worked I worked. It was powerful to realize how many people's lives are affected by this. It was moving, it was honest and it was heartfelt. It gave me chills and it made me very proud to be an American citizen today.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Buh-Bye Dubya

I don't know why I put on the farewell address, but Lord this man makes my skin crawl. NBC just cut away from him to show a commercial, which was hilarious.

He's such a jackhole.

David Gregory is a very smart man. Jackhole talked a lot of about 9/11 and Gregory just basically said that that's how Jackhole is going to define his presidency. I don't think Bush realizes that the way he handled the aftermath of 9/11 is why a lot of people hate him. Yes, Afghanistan was probably necessary. If you're going to go hunting for terrorists, go look for them where they are and there was every indication that's where Bin Laden was. But don't for a minute try to fool people into thinking that you went to Iraq for the health of this country or to defeat terror. If it were up to you, we would have gone to Iran, too.

Whatever. He's going to be gone in a few days, hopefully falling into obscurity and keeping his mouth shut.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Season 8

Okay, I am total bourgeoisie loser, but I am super excited for American Idol this year. I feel like I need something totally stupid and mindless that I can bitch about and giggle about. It's not like it's great entertainment, but if there's an actor's strike (please don't let there be an actor's strike), this will be better than nothing.

Plus, it's always fun to watch Omar rag on Ryan Seacrest.

How crappy does Confessions of a Shopaholic look? The books are okay, light hearted fluff, but the movie looks like it's trying too hard.

Omar is coming home from a business trip tonight and I can't even tell you excited I am to see him. Miss him so much.

If they had to find another judge, did it have to be one who looks like Paula? Hopefully, she's not crazy like Paula.
