Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Wisdom of Baby Sis

Stress sucks.

My sister gave me a very good exercise to try today and I've found it to be successful. When I called her sobbing about my patheticness and she worried about me in a way that made me feel both loved and pitiful, she told me to write down everything I was worried about on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope and put the envelope in a drawer and not to think about it. So I did. I wrote down all the things freaking me out (my job, my messy apartment, my crazy reproductive organs, money, etc.) then put it in a drawer. I then took a shower, shaved my legs, put my hair in two braided pigtails and made my husband take me to see Miami Vice so I could drool over Colin Farrell (and let me once more reiterate that Michael Mann movies drive me up a wall. Could you just pick a damn camera angle and try not to shake like a crack addict who hasn't had a hit in twenty-four hours??).

And the weird thing? I felt better. I felt so much more me again instead of that weepy mess with the high pitched voice who got cry babyish with her sister. Of course to get that advice, I freaked my little sister out, which sucked, but I'll smooth that over later. All the shit's still there, but I'm not thinking about it.

And let me tell you, braids, glasses, and no makeup had the kid at the movie theater asking me if I was student. I looked about nineteen. I wanted Omar to take me out and try to buy me beer to see if I'd get carded. That kid thinking I was a kid made my whole freaking night. When we were on our honeymoon, I was doing the ponytail, no makeup, baseball cap thing and got carded everywhere. Omar, not so much. Which is funny because I'm older than him (only by four months!!). Apparently I look twelve with my hair out of my face and no makeup on. I was going to cut my hair but if pigtails make me look young, it's staying down to near my waist, heat wave or no!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Wit of Baby Sis

Baby Sis sent me this card the other day

Why I Work: An Essay

I like to eat
The End


That about sums it up.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Heat (The Movie and The Weather)

I'm not a big Michael Mann fan. But I do like the movie Heat with Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro. It's just so damn long. And it's Omar's favorite movie. He's currently annoying the daylights out of me by anticipating all the scenes in the movie and asking me if he's right about the movie (he's in the kitchen).

There's a couple stories here they didn't need to tell; I see the reasoning for telling them and Pacino and DeNiro definitely make it worth the length. But Michael Mann is annoying. I hated Collateral. HATED IT. I don't know if it's because I find Tom Cruise to be an irritating, ingratiating jackass since he dumped Nicole Kidman (and she definitely got the better deal out of that one, except it looks to me like she gave up primary custody of her kids and I think that's weird) or because the movie was just bad and I'm also not a Jamie Foxx fan. But Omar likes Michael Mann movies so we're off to see Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx ruin yet another piece of eighties nostalgia with Miami Vice for the big screen. That's a weird thing to remake.

One thing we can't understand here: does Amy Brenneman stay with DeNiro after the robbery because she's scared of him or because she loves him? And Ashley Judd doesn't look good as a blonde, people. She looks like she screwed up the Clairol order. And did Val Kilmer wear a wig for this movie? He definitely looks better with short hair.

It's hot here. Like, disgusting hot. Humid, yucky and nasty hot. Thank god we have central air. I don't think I could take just fans and open windows. Walking from the back parking lot into the mall (someone tell me why when you're renovating one department store in a mall you have to close off TWO parking lots) I felt like my lungs were clogged and my clothes were sticking to me. It was too hot to walk that far and I wasn't even parked that far from the entrance. It's just too freaking hot!

Pacino and DeNiro should only ever make movies where they play tightly wound men with good hair cuts. Of course this is over ten years ago when both were still relatively young. It's hard for me to believe that Pacino and DeNiro really aren't that much older than my parents. It's easy to think of them as ancient because they've been making movies for so long, but they're really not that old.

This movie has the cast of thousands in it, but the acting really is phenomenal. I think I love Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro. But Jon Voight looks creepy here. But then again, when does Jon Voight not look creepy?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Papelbitch Should Sit His Ass Down

19 freaking innings. I don't have the patience for this, people.

Seriously. We watched/listened to all 19 innings on WEEI and NESN. It was painful. PAINFUL. Jonathan Papelbon gave up a homerun and broke my poor little heart.

And David Ortiz is kicking ass at the Home Run Derby right now. He's got 8 home runs and I so want him to crush the next one. Sweet! Another one in the drink. He's swinging that bat like it's a walk off home run in the tenth. 10 home runs!! Dude, I love you!!

Monday, July 03, 2006


How the hell can it be July already? That seems wrong.

Omar is in Toronto on business. I am bored. We have new neighbors across the hall because the drug dealers finally moved out. They were really nice, except for the whole exceptionally shady part, but new neighbors are a pain. I like to pretend not to be home when they knock on the door.

Have not spoke to Baby Sis since Friday or Saturday when she was still somewhat cranky. Heat, humidity, and Baby Sis do not like each other. In fact, I'm pretty sure LOATHE is not too strong a word.

I hate it when Omar goes away on business. I get bored, eat junk food, and then hate myself for it. Plus, sleeping alone sucks.