Guy Smiley Is Hoodwinking This Country
While I haven't made a definitve decision yet on who I'd like to see as President of the United States (right now it's between Obama and Hillary, and both of them have their merits and faults), I can tell you one person whom I'd rather not see as president: former Mass. governor Mitt Romney.
I'm not a Massachusetts native. I grew up in southern NH (or as my pal Rich likes to call it, northern Massachusetts). I have to admit, I like living in Massachusetts more now than I did when I first moved here. There's still a lot of things I don't like about it, but I like working in Boston and I like the Metro West area where I live. I don't enjoy the outrageous fare hikes from the MBTA, the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and their ridiculousness, or the cost of the Big Dig. But Massachusetts has a variety that NH doesn't, in many ways. It's certainly more culturally aware and more diverse, which I like.
One of the things I like both most and least about Massachusetts is politics. When I was growing up and wanted to be a lawyer, I always thought I'd enter politics someday. I had a teacher in high school who always told me he thought I'd be the first female governor of NH (this was before Jeanne Shaheen). It felt like a natural fit because I was active in community politics in the town where I grew up, even though I couldn't vote until my senior year in high school. I still find politics interesting, but I also find it wearying as well. There's nothing honorable about it, not that there ever really was, but the thing that finally turned me off the whole process was the Gore-Bush elections that totally showed how our system doesn't really work anymore. How can you win the popular vote and lose the election? Doesn't the fact that the citizens of the US chose Al Gore mean anything?
Apparently not.
Anyway, Massachusetts totally cemented itself in the "What the Hell Were You People THINKING?" Hall of Fame when it elected Mitt Romney as governor. He has been nicknamed Guy Smiley by many people and that's how I refer to him. The man had absolutely zero interest in this state. It was a stepping stone for the presidency and he at least should have been honest about it. His douchebaggery here still angers me to no end. He spent the entire last year of his elected term campaigning elsewhere. The Boston Globe kept track of how many days he actually spent in Massachusetts and the number was staggeringly low.
Right now, he's airing these commericials about illegal immigration that make me want to throw things at the television. He's talking about how he empowered the Massachusetts State Troopers to stop and arrest illegal immigrants, yadda yadda yadda. What he doesn't tell you is that Deval Patrick reversed that practice within weeks of taking office.
What bothers me most about Romney (besides his total disagreement with every view I hold dear) is his disrespect for the people of Massachusetts and his hypocrisy. He got to office in Massachusetts by supporting abortion rights and gay marriage, amongst other things. And what does he do? He professes to being "wrong" about abortion and having his mind changed by the anti-abortion lobby. He thanks these people for turning him around.
Dude, come off it. Everybody in this country has an opinion on abortion and it's a polarizing issue that's very personal. He said what he needed to say about abortion to get elected in Massachusetts and now that he doesn't need Massachusetts anymore, he's pandering to the Christian right who won't elect a pro-choice candidate.
And don't get me started on the gay marriage thing. He was all about supporting gay marriage and agreed with the SJC when it ruled that gay marriage was allowed by law. Then, he totally about-faced on it and started that completely bigoted and inappropriate rant about how marriage is between a man and a woman and he moved for a state constitutional amendment to ban it.
It makes me angry to see him touting his conservative politics when he was here touting himself as a compassionate conservative who supported minority and liberal causes while still holding dear the fiscal values of a republican. He used the people of this state to manuever himself into a political office just so he could run for a bigger one. His being the governer was never about wanting to make a difference in this state (although maybe it's not for any candidate), but about stepping on the people who elected him to get where he wanted to be.
Guy Smiley is hoodwinking this country with his crap and it's pissing me off. He's a smug hypocrite and I sincerely hope he gets his ass kicked in the presidential elections. I can tell you one vote he won't have.
At 10:47 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Dude, I still read your blog. I read this when you wrote it, and while watching the debates tonight, I caught myself yelling "Fuck you, Guy Smiley!" at the television. Often. It made me think of you!
At 8:37 PM ,
Lucy Starr said...
It could become a catch phrase.
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