About Me
- Name: Lucy Starr
- Location: Massachusetts, United States
I've been, at various times, a blonde, a redhead (more auburn really) and a brunette. My husband thinks I'm beautiful and I think he's the best thing that ever happened to me. My son is the light of my world and I adore him beyond all measure. I'm a part-time writer, a full-time dreamer, and an all around domestic disaster (except for cooking. I can cook). I love my husband, my son, my family, my friends, the Red Sox, my Kindle, and Jane Austen. Happiness in marriage may be a matter of chance, but I've never been more glad I took one.
Previous Posts
- BBC America Reads My Mind
- Hydration
- First One In A Long Time
- My Husband Is A Weirdo
- MBTA Sucks
- The End of Harry Potter
- The Pfeiffer Sisters
- Things That Make You Go Hmm...
- FOX Announcers Blow
- Brangelina
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At 11:31 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Lucy! I'm stuck here at work on a Saturday morning -- no fun. So I'm just randomly looking at blogs, and yours came up. You compose and convey your thoughts quite well! (I was an editor for a publishing company for years, so I admire well-written material.)
However, despite your joy at the Sox finally winning the AL East, the Yankees will win the World Series this year. :-)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
At 11:49 AM ,
Lucy Starr said...
Thank you for the compliment! Hope you enjoy and please come visit again!
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