Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Amazing Baby Sis and The Acceptance Letter

So, Baby Sis decided she needed another master's degree (as if one wasn't enough) and we in the Rock Starr house were incredibly supportive of that decision. She applied to 4 schools; two in NYC, one in RI, and one in Boston. Needless to say, we were really hoping the RI and Boston schools came through for her because the thought of Baby Sis being in the big bad city that has more Yankees fans than anyone in this world needs was not a comforting thought for us. Her health problems alone made this somewhat a dicey situation, not to mention the fact that I know my sister and having her three to four hours away from Mom and Daddy and me and Omar was not going to be good for her or, really, any of us. So of course, she gets into one of the NYC schools and hears nothing from the schools where we would have preferred her to be.

Until Friday.

My baby girl got into the Boston school and the happy dance I did around my living room made me breathless. We squealed like six year olds being taken to Chuck E Cheese for the first time. I called Omar right away and told him the news. I don't think he realized the significance of how exciting this moment was, but he was better about it when he got home.

The first thing we realized is that our place is too small for the three of us and the baby we're hoping to have in the next year or so. Which is one of the million and three reasons why I love my husband. His first thought was that when we looked for a house, we should look for a place that has an extra room for my sister. What other man would think that?

Anyway, Baby Sis is safe from Yankees fans and she'll be just where she should be. I am so proud of her right now I can't even put it into words. She's really got something now to look forward and I think that will really make the difference for her. She'll start this summer and it will be so good for her to have something like this again. She'll be able to do what she likes and then, hopefully, find a job that she likes. Which is really what she deserves.


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