Big Girl Now?
I'm only reading books I've read a million times before, even though I'm in the middle of Dennis Lehane's new book The Given Day. I'm a huge Lehane fan, have read all his books multiple times, but I'm having a hard time getting into this one. I've re-read the Twilight books about three times already and really, I'm happy just to keep re-reading them. Now that NaNoWriMo is over, I'm having trouble finding the next thing I want to write about.
Even the internet is kind of boring these days.
I haven't touched the Wii in over a week.
Maybe I've matured enough that I don't need the escapism those things provide. Well, except the reading part. I still love to read and would read every day and every night for hours at a time if I didn't have other things competing for my attention.
Like Omar, currently dancing around the kitchen in his boxers, trying to get me to look at him. It's pretty freaking funny.
I don't know what it is that has me so blase about the things I usually love.
At 12:30 AM ,
Anonymous said...
How do you feel about the second Twilight book? I've heard it's subpar compared to the others, and that's prevented me from starting it, even though I have it.
At 4:17 PM ,
Lucy Starr said...
Um, my obsession with the Twilight books is unhealthy. You can ask my sister.
New Moon isn't bad, but you can't read the others without reading this one because they're all intertwined so closely. The first one definitely the best, but the third one's pretty good, too.
I don't know how I feel about the last one, though. The ending's kind of anti-climatic and she switches view points so it's not as consistent.
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