Proof God Is Not A Woman
How the hell did this journal become all about my cycle anyway?
Anyway, the same day I took the pregnancy test, I also discovered from the scale that I've lost twenty pounds. That's pretty amazing. I can't tell the difference, but Omar says he definitely sees it and Lori told me when I saw her a couple weeks ago that she could tell I've lost weight. So I guess there's an upside to everything.
I signed up for this program called NaNoWriMo online and basically I have to write a new book in thirty days. I put all my other stuff on hold and I've written something (so, so close to done) that's new, but I don't know how good it is. It's just a rough draft (a VERY rough draft) but it's pretty okay so far. I've got about a thousand words left to go and the deadline's tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll finish tonight when Baby Sis and I get back from the movies. We're going to see Twilight tonight because we're completely lame.
Thanksgiving was a success. Uncle CT came with the fam and my parents were here too. Daddy helped Omar put a couple outlets in today so that was interesting. And Mom unpacked the last twelve boxes that needed to be unpacked so that was good too. And knowing the test had been negative freed me up for booze. I will probably, once I'm done feeling like a bloated whale this week due to the water retention, get roaring drunk since I promised myself that if I wasn't pregnant on the first round of drugs, I'd get trashed.
Not that it will make me feel any better about it, but at least I won't be wallowing in self pity while I'm drinking because I'm in general a pretty happy drunk. Which is ironic because alcohol is a depressant.
Too many deep thoughts. Going to eat leftover turkey and stuffing and share a beer with Rock Starr before going to movies. Then I will come home and try to pound out the denouement.
I love Advil.
At 7:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Sorry you're surfing the crimson wave, and sorry I interrupted your Thanksgiving prep ;)
I'm pulling for you.
At 11:51 AM ,
Lucy Starr said...
Don't worry about the Thanksgiving prep; I didn't know that was you on the phone.
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