Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Settle Down

Lester needs to relax. I realize the Angels are a big scary team this season (and hello, am I the only person who thinks Guerrero looks stoned in his publicity stills??), but he needs to chill. They've kicked the Angels' asses in previous post season games; there is no need to panic. That being said, I'm worried they're not going to make it past the Angels this year.

I took serious joy in the Yankees sucking so badly this year, but I worry that Manny Douchebag may end up there next spring, in which case it will just be a bloodbath at every game. The ugliness will just be horrific. Omar and I were discussing whether or not Tim Wakefield is a starter next year and we decided we wouldn't be surprised if the Sox pursue Derek Lowe as a possible fifth starter next year. He's had a good year in LA and he's become a better pitcher since leaving Boston. Theo's always looking for good talent, but I don't know if he'd look at someone he kicked so long ago.

Who knows? There's a reason why Theo's the GM and I'm not (although if I were, I'd dump Lugo's sorry ass and lock up Jed Lowrie for the starting position next year. Hands down, he is a better player than Lugo. $36 million my ass.).

Come on, Jon! Settle down, take a deep breath and kick some ass.



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