Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sleep, Perchance Boredom

Omar fell asleep on the couch last night at 9:30. After Heroes was over, I did the dishes. I didn't feel like watching the news. I had already written in my journal, the one I keep to write in by hand. I had already finished one book and started reading a second. There was nothing on t.v. that interested me. I was bored.

So I went to bed.

Omar was sleeping so I had no one to talk to. I figured I might as well try to sleep. Turns out going to sleep because you're bored is not conducive to a good night's sleep. I tossed and turned for the most part and didn't really get good sleep. I hate that. It makes me cranky and irritable. Today just felt like a long day.

When did Barry Gibb get old? Or rather ancient? I guess I'm so used to Jimmy Fallon's impression that I forget that he is old. He's all gray, practically white, and he has an old man quality to his voice. There's that Sean Connery raspiness to his voice, kind of a lisp. I didn't know he was Scotish.


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