Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I Hate This New Blogger System

This system is so freaking stupid. It won't let me skip the "sign on with your Google account" thing anymore so I had to create a Google account. Except you already have to have one. I don't want one. I already have an email address. So I just plugged in my aol account and it took it! These people are fucking whack jobs.

So my mom broke her wrist this morning while she was out doing her usual five mile walk. She slipped on some ice and landed on her wrist. My dad called my sister to tell her and then told her not to call me. What the hell? You know, I take a lot of shit off my parents. I really do. There's things that they say and do that drive me up a wall, things that if I list here will just drive me even more batty than I really feel about this day. So my sister calls me and tells me this at 6:30 this morning. When I couldn't reach my parents at 12:30, I called the hospital where they took my mom and just asked the person at admitting if she was okay. The woman told me she was and I hung up and got on with my day. Not a big deal. Because my parents were fucking obtuse as usual by not calling me, I didn't have any of the information. All I wanted to know was if my mother had hit her head when she fell. Sometimes when you fall you hit your head and you don't know it until you've been given an exam by a doctor. All I wanted to know was if she had hit her head, because that can fuck you up later.

Instead, my parents are inconsiderate as usual, I got all this information second hand until my mom called me and told me she was fine. I asked her if she was okay and she said she was. I asked if she hit her head, she said she hadn't. Then she asked to swap cars with me for the next few weeks because she broke her wrist and drives a stick, so she can't drive it anymore. I told her that was fine. I'm giving my mom my car for an undetermined amount of time and my parents couldn't even be bothered to call me and let me know that a) she was hurt and b) she was okay.

Sometimes I really hate the way my family behaves.


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