Escalator Etiquette
Which blows because they're everywhere.
Still, escalator etiquette is very important to me. There's two at South Station, where I take the train twice a day every day during the week, and people do not respect the etiquette. You are supposed to stand to one side if you plan on being inert and just riding so that the people who are walking up or down the escalator can get past you. People do not do that sometimes and it drives me effing bonkers.
People are rude enough without standing there like a lump while you're in a hurry. Not that it's so much faster than the stairs, but those extra ten seconds can mean the difference between making my train and cursing at it desperately while I huff for breath as it glides off towards Back Bay and I have to wait a half an hour for the next one.
I'm just saying. Respect the etiquette.
I had my one month review today. I have two supervisors, one who's as old as my dad and who's the boss boss and one who's younger than me and the team leader. Team Leader gave me the review and he said they're excited to have me aboard as a team member. I wanted to say, "of course you are, I'm extremely cheap labor, better educated than a lot of people you have working for you with more experience than even you probably have. You're salivating at that, Thirsty Thursday Boy."
I call him TTBoy because I was talking to him on a Friday morning and he explained that he hadn't gotten much sleep because his neighbors had been up partying and he referred to it as Thirsty Thursday. Only people who are not that far removed from college, are single, and are generally under 26 refer to it as Thirsty Thursday. I haven't called it that since college.
Anyway, Omar and I are about to decorate the tree now. We have a funny looking, lopsided tree that gets funnier looking and more lopsided every day it's up. But that's what happens when you buy a tree the weekend before Christmas.
We're going to hook the TiVo up to tape something and watch something else this week so that I don't have to miss American Idol and Veronica Mars this January. It's the little things that make me happy.
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