Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Moved In - Kinda

We moved, kinda, on the fourteenth. All the heavy stuff went to the new place (meaning every piece of furniture we were keeping). The rest went on the 19th. Which is probably why I forgot my dad's birthday. My parents came up on the 21st and helped us unpack. We still have some boxes (mostly clothes and stuff we don't use on a regular basis) clogging up the upstairs portion of our new abode, but I have a hard time forcing myself to unpack it. I hate unpacking. And packing. And moving. And my landlord.

The new place is nice, but it was NOT CLEAN when we moved in. Before we left our apartment, I cleaned the kitchen and the bathrooms. Didn't scrub them, but I cleaned them up. This place's kitchen and bathrooms were FILTHY. FILTHY. FILTHY. I don't even believe three times in caps covers how disgustingly dirty they were. I'm sorry, if you're going to force people to move, bring in a professional cleaning service so it's one less thing they have to do when they get there. Give me an effing break!! The main bathroom in particular was horrifying. And I was entirely too tired the day we moved to clean it so I must confess that we showered in the dirty shower because it was eleven o'clock at night and I couldn't face scrubbing down and bleaching a bathroom that late after moving boxes and packing since eight a.m. that morning. Thank the Lord I convinced Omar he had to take moving day off.

Finally found a job. It is for very minor money ($14/hr, yikes) in Boston. Working for an insurance/financial company as either a Customer service Rep or an Annuities Rep. Yeah, I don't know what it is either. But we take a two week training course, so I suppose I'll learn.

I'm not thrilled about the job (my commute is a forty-five minute train ride to South Station, then a ten minute train ride from South Station), but it's money and we need it and it's not forever and it's a great company to get my foot in the door of.

Whatever. I loved not working. It was probably the best thing in the whole world, but I couldn't stay out of work forever, so here we are.


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