Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I've Tried...

... for Baby Sis to like Studio 60. It's the show she recaps for Fandom Talk. And I wanted to like it because she does and because she recaps it and I want to read her recaps and know what she's talking about. However, I find the show unfunny, smug, and Amanda Peet's character is beyond irritating. And Bradley Whitford, whom I adored on West Wing when he was playing arrogant bastard Josh as a charming and talented know-it-all, sucks on this show. He's basically playing Josh but without the charm or talent. And he has those fucking irritating half glasses that I want to shove down his throat.

I realize that Aaron Sorkin is using this show as a commentary on his shoddy treatment by NBC. I realize he hates bloggers, middle America, and Network Executives. I realize he thinks people are much less intelligent than he is. Yet, I put up with it on the West Wing because I liked his idealized version of how politics should and could be. I didn't like the MS Scandal, mostly because I have relatives who have MS and I thought that was a shitty thing to use as a plot device. Anyway, I've lost a lot of respect for Sorkin and I can't freaking watch his smug show anymore. I tried. It's coming off the TiVo season pass.

Currently, we TiVo Heroes, My Name is Earl, The Office, Lost, and Veronica Mars. We have seasons passes to those and we love them. Even Omar likes Veronica Mars. He really likes Kidnapped, which is too bad because it looks like it's going to get cancelled. Which sucks, because I like it too.


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