Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lucy, Thy Name is Actually Oscar

I'm grouchy today.

I just am. Work sucked today because it was dead and because my boss won't stop calling the store on her day off. Plus this is her second weekend off in a row and I have a feeling she's going to make me work Labor Day weekend even though I worked Fourth of July and Memorial Day weekends because she took both of those off. And I swear if she does, I'm calling my DM. Not that Laina will take my side, but I want my complaint registered.

I have a sleeping pill hangover, which sucks. That's probably the reason why I'm grouchy. I had a migraine yesterday, all day and all night. I took two Advil PM and one regular Advil last night and the Advil PM made me groggy this morning, even though I got a full nine hours of sleep. The directions on the box say take two, so I took two. And now I'm grouchy.

I just am.


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