Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Monday, March 16, 2009


My little peanut is getting bigger. I have to pee all the time (that is not an exaggeration; I literally went to the ladies' room eight times today at work. Once an hour). I still have horrible food aversions (like right now I am procrastinating going upstairs to put the chicken in the oven because raw chicken makes me sick). None of my clothes fit, so I had to buy maternity clothes (maternity pantyhose are quite possibly the worse things I have ever owned in my entire life). I bought four dressed, 3 pairs of pants, three blouses and five t-shirts. I don't have enough shirts. It's upsetting. I don't want a lot more tops, just three or four more that I can wear to work.

My mother is so ridiculously excited it's not even funny. Even Baby Sis, who is famous for her blase-ness, seems to be looking forward to auntihood. I personally cannot wait to meet my little peanut. We are not going to find out what the peanut is because we truly don't care. Boy or girl, this baby is perfect as is and we don't feel a need to know or have a preference.

On a completely non-peanut related note, Lester signed a long-term contract, Lugo is hurt (shock, I know), Manny is gone, and Pedroia and Youk are also locked up for long-term deals. My boys are getting ready for the season and I am so excited about that. Not to mention that A-Fraud's out with a hip injury and may never see the hall because he's a lying cheater who should burn in hell.

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