Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Store Is Not So Bad

I guess that title says it all. New Store, which I'll call store from now on, is a great place to work. We sell a lot of stuff for kids, so there's always these adorable kids coming in and out. I don't miss the drama from The Store, I don't miss the endless hours of talking about stuff but not doing it, I don't miss any of it. Except my staff. I miss them. My new staff is full of good people and I genuinely like most of them. But a couple of them make me want to drink while I'm on duty.

I like my new boss. I think she's good and smart and she doesn't demand unreasonable things. Our plan is a little too aggressive so we're not doing as well as we'd like. My commute sucks. During rush hour it's at least an hour, sometimes more. Non peak times, I'm home in half an hour.

I'm getting married in six months and I'm finally starting to feel a little panicky about that. Not about marriage, because Rock Starr is Rock Starr and we go along like we always have: happily. But about the freaking wedding itself. There is SO MUCH TO DO. We haven't even had our engagement picture done yet. Plus my engagement ring still needs to be sized. It fits, but it probably should be a little snugger.

Because my commute blows so much, I've been tired at night so I haven't work on the book as much as I would have liked. I'd rather spend my free hours with Rock Starr than anything else. I miss writing, though. I end up making up stories and telling them in my head. And all the male characters are either Clive Owen lookalikes or Michael Vartan's twin. Is that wrong?

Steve Carell's The Office is funny. Not as funny as the original BBC version, but it's still pretty good. Omar loves it. Anyway, last week they played Desert Island. Got me thinking. What are my Top 5 Things I can't live without?

Books: Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, To Kill A Mockingbird, Persuasion, Bridget Jones' Diary

Movies: Casablanca, Say Anything, Notorious, Grosse Pointe Blank, Notting Hill (Jerry Maguire used to be on the list but I now hate Tom Cruise with a passion and cannot watch anything he's been in for awhile)

CD's: U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind, The Best of U2 1980-1990, Sarah McLachlan's Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, Michelle Branch's The Spirit Room, Dave Matthews Band Crash (Actually, there are way more CDs I can't live without. I haven't even gotten into my Justin Timberlake obsession or the Beatles CDs I religiously pull out when I miss my dad or the James Taylor tunes I listen to when stressed, never mind the country music cds I discuss with no one except Baby Sis)

Casablanca is one of the greatest films ever made, introduced to me by my Dad, as were two of the books on my list: Jane Eyre and To Kill a Mockingbird. Interestingly, my mother intro'd me to the Austen books. And I discovered BJD while I was traveling in England, Ireland and Scotland. Way before she got Renee Zellwegerized.

I don't remember how I got hooked onto U2, but I started listening to Sarah because there was this group of kids in high school that I was friendly with, but not super close to. And I really wanted to be part of this clique, not because they were the cool kids or anything, but because were all in honors level courses together and we all saw each other every single day for like 6 hours. And although I was friendly with them IN school, we never hung out outside of school. Anyway, all the people in this group listened to Sarah and thought she was the next Maya Angelou in song. I already had the Fumbling CD for some reason (it wasn't like Sarah was really big back then), but I'd never listened to it. So I listened to it so I'd have something to talk to the group about and hopefully get invited to the concert they were all planning to go to (not like my parents would have ever let that happen: Great Woods on school night with no parental supervision? All of us under the age of seventeen/sixteen? Right). It's funny, I became friends with those kids, but I talk to none of them now. Haven't since the first semester of college. But I still listen to that Sarah CD all the time. I almost cried when I thought it had been in my car when it got stolen.

Omar got me U2 tickets for December and Bratty (Baby Sis) and I saw Sarah earlier this year. Not a bad year, concert wise for me.


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