This and That
Ever notice how Keanu Reeves has a funny eyebrow twitch? It's kind of like the way George Clooney always ducks his head, no matter what the role. Keanu does the same thing with his eyebrow.
I really wish I knew what was making the apartment vibrate like this, because it's totally and completely freaking me out. I think TNT cut out the "There is no spoon" part of the first Matrix movie. Isn't that like a key portion of this movie?? This vibrating thing is making me very nervous. I turned off the furnace, but everything still shook, so I turned it back on. I turned off the tv, still vibrating. I went into the hallway outside my door. I didn't feel stuff vibrating, but the hallway felt charged somehow. I don't know what the hell is going on here, but I keep thinking my apartment is going to start collapsing in on itself.
Sometimes when Omar goes away for extended periods of time, I just completely freak out about the weirdest things. I hear people in the apartment that aren't there, think I hear the front door opening and closing when I know it's not. I'm definitely not meant to live by myself, or at least without Omar. He's a very calming influence on me.
So my best friend Eva and her Heinous Asshole Nitwit boyfriend broke up a couple months ago. Han and Eva had been dating for a few years and they'd just started to talk about marriage. I always liked Han; I thought he was good for Eva and I thought he brought out a very soft and girly side to her. Omar hated him. Turns out Omar is a way better judge of character than I am. Han moved to NC about a year ago and he and Eva were doing the long distance thing. Eva was looking at grad schools around his area because she felt like she was ready to cut the cord with her old life and start building a totally new one with him. They bought a dog together. They talked on the phone every day. Then out of the blue, he decides that before he can commit to Eva for all time, he needs to make sure "she's the one." So he dumped her.
Yeah, I don't get it either. And Eva - she really didn't get it. I don't think in all the years I've known her I've ever seen her like this. Self-hatred, rapid weight loss, talking about making some incredibly drastic and somewhat ridiculous changes. She didn't sleep more than a couple hours a night for over a month and she lost ten pounds in less than two weeks because she was too depressed to eat. Omar was ready to fly to NC and totally kick Han's ass. And I was going to go with him and help because I can't stand seeing someone like Eva, who's self confident, bright, pretty, and funny, feel like shit because he wanted to sleep with other people. They kept talking, trying to decide if they were going to get back together, etc.
They share a lot of the same friends and Han told people they were just taking a break. Well, he told Eva a few weeks ago that he didn't want to get back together, he knew when he broke up with her that they weren't going to get back together, and that he thought she was more invested in him than he was in her. So now she's beyond pissed off and she hates all men. She especially hates Han.
I can't say I blame her. For three months know, he promised her they were keeping the lines of communication open, they were working things through, etc. What kind of asshole does that? He just didn't want to feel guilty about breaking her heart. Which he totally did. And I totally hope awful things happen to him for the rest of his life because of this. Eva was good to him, better to him than I'd ever seen her be with anyone else. And he took all that and he crumpled it up and tossed it away because he wasn't getting laid regularly enough.
Eva's a bridesmaid and I feel bad that I have to ask her to do all this stuff that's about me and Omar making a lifetime committment to each other while her idiot boyfriend just took that away from her. But, as everyone keeps reminding me, May is just around the corner and I'm getting into this wedding thing.
Yesterday, Omar and I met with the reception hall. We picked our entrees, settled a whole bunch of questions about booze and timing and all that stuff. We got a lot done. This week we registered at Crate and Barrel and Macy's and Linens N' Things. It was fun, but it was a lot of work too. We picked out 90% of what we wanted and we still have to finish it. I think we're going to next weekend when Omar gets back. My bridal shower is on March 5 and I'm excited about it!
I just wish my apartment would stop vibrating. It's really freaking me out.
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