Happy Thought Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jane Austen, U2, movies, reading, and the Red Sox. Then she met the Object of Her Affection and found someone who liked three out of five. She decided this was a good thing. This is her story.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fox Sux

I didn't realize that it had been almost two months since I updated this. In those two months, the Red Sox have crushed the Yankees every time they've played them, moved into first place, and benched Lugo. All good things. In those two months, Baby Starr has gotten much bigger, Omar has been the awesomest person alive, and my mother has driven me around the bend and back again.

The Sox appear to be in the Halladay hunt, sort of, but I don't know that they necessarily need him. He's a good pitcher, yes, but what they would have to give up for him seems a bit excessive. Toronto will not let him go cheaply and the Sox are a team that is very protective of its farm system and prospects. Which is why they don't need assholes like Texeira because they're home growing the guys they need. With Dice K on the DL, I've been able to watch all the starters without going red with rage by the third inning. Lord even knows what they'll do with him when he gets back.

Wakefield has been the best part of the season for me so far. Inconsistent, sometimes, yes. But he is by far the best story. Eleven wins, most in the league, and his first All Star game in 17 years in the majors. I always liked Tim Wakefield. He's never bitched about his role, never demanded ridiculous money, never complained about "respect" or whatever it is the rest of the whiny bitches complain about. He has always played his role with dignity and volunteered in the community quietly, never making a big deal about all the work he does for the team and for charity. He deserves this so much more than anyone else in the organization.

It's the usual shit show for Fox, though, starting the All Star Game late and the inanity of Buck and McCarver. Honestly, could they find a more annoying network to show this game on? I suppose ESPN is more annoying, but that's cable and they won't put this on cable. God, I hate Fox.

As for Baby Starr, I can only say this pregnancy thing is both wonderful and draining. I am, thankfully, mostly all belly. I am also carrying very high right now because Baby Starr is frank breech. Which means butt first. The head is near my right rib cage and the feet near my left. It's like the baby is in a V shape. The doctor has assured me that the baby is comfortable like this. They have also told me if the baby doesn't turn in another month, I will be scheduled for a C section, which was not my first choice for delivery. Part of me wonders if I will feel like my pregnancy experience was complete without going through labor, but another part of me is grateful to be spared what I have been told is pretty agonizing pain. My doctor will turn the baby if I ask, but she told me straight up that it doesn't usually work and she doesn't like doing them. That's fine with me; Baby Sis was footling breech, they turned her twice and it didn't work, so Mom had the C section anyway.

The baby is 4 lbs, 2 oz now, so we are looking at a birth weight of between 7 1/2 or 8 lbs. Bigger than Omar and I had anticipated. But all we care about is the health of our Baby Starr. It's the most amazing thing we have every experienced. Even with the disgusting heartburn and the nasty swollen feet and the irritating acne, I would not change this for anything. At the end of it all, I will have my Baby Starr and I could not love that idea more.

My shower was this past weekend and I was astonished and touched by the generosity of my friends and family. After weeks of driving me INSANE, my mother threw an amazing party for her grandbaby. The daily phone calls have not ceased, but they are slightly less annoying than they were. We got a lot of wonderful gifts, including some beautiful handmade sweaters, blankets, quilts, booties, and bonnets from friends, Baby Sis, and my mother. They are absolutely stunning and it took a lot to keep me from crying. The workmanship on those handmade items was just stunning and I could see the care that people had put into them. Especially my sister's. It just touched me so much to know how many people are excited about the birth of my baby and it makes me so thankful for my friends and family and extended family. Baby Starr will be born into so much love and I am beyond grateful for that.

Right now, Baby Starr is pushing against my ribs in such a way that it almost hurts to take a breath. Sleeping is most uncomfortable and I have to pee at work about every hour and every two to three when I go to bed. I'm tired all the time and I'm sort of out of breath a lot since the baby presses on my lungs slightly. But this is all normal. And Baby Starr is worth every discomfort.

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